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The GDI Harvester

GDI 矿车

The GDI Harvester has 7,500 hp and a machine gun mounted on it. Its machine gun can kill Attack bikes reasonably well. Unfortunately attack bikes, out range the machine gun. However, if the situation becomes desperate you can charge your harvesters towards the bikes. The machine gun is also good at killing infantry too. As such they can be used as an anti infantry unit should the need arise, but remember it is generally better put to use gather Tiberium.


The Nod Harvester

Nod 矿车

The Nod Harvester has 5,000 hp and has its own cloaking device. It has a tendency to stop on a Tiberium patch, move forward a bit, and then start harvesting the Tiberium patch. This can leave you with kind of a chequered Tiberium field and your Harvester will likely start to wonder far away from the Refinery, even though there is Tiberium close to it. Be sure to watch for this and to tell your Harvester to harvest Tiberium that is near the Refinery.


You can use the Decoy Army support power on your Harvesters, giving you a stealthed scouting unit for only 500 credits. Since the Nod harvester is stealthed, it can sneak up on infantry and run over them, though be aware it will un-steath once it gets close to infantry. Using the Nod harvester like this should be more of a last resort, than anything else. Remember the Nod harvester has low health and should be repaired if it is heavily damage else a simple pitbull may kill it easily.


The Scrin Harvester

Scrin 矿车

The Scrin Harvester has 7,500 hp and can regenerate when in Tiberium. Unlike the other two harvesters the Scrin harvester does not take much damage from a Catalyst Missile. Although its effect on Tiberium may cause some light damage.

Scrin 的矿车拥有7500的血量,并且在泰矿上可以自动恢复(=004=)。与其他两种矿车不同的是,催化炸弹对矿车造成的伤害很小,尽管它对泰矿的连锁反应会对矿车造成轻微的伤害。

The Scrin harvester unlike its rivals, hovers and as such can not crush infantry, nor reverse move. Since Scrin harvesters can regenerate in Tiberium, as such harassment of these units is more difficult, because if the harassment force does not kill the harvester in the first wave, it will likely be healed by the time a second wave is launched.


Scouting & Defence


To prevent losing harvesters try to scout the local area, so that you can see enemy forces coming early. If you do see some bikes for example coming, simply reverse your harvesters back towards your base. The Nod harvester is greatest at risk, if there are detector units about, as it has the lowest hp of all the harvesters.


If the harassment force follows your harvesters in, try to dance them around buildings using reverse move to try and avoid taking a few hits before reinforcements arrive. If the enemy is about to attack your base, which just so happens to be beside a Tiberium field, move your harvesters away. As most players will easily kill a few harvesters before turning to take on your army and base defences.


An important thing to remember when using Nod harvesters, that a catalyst missile, will kill any harvester in close proximity. But even if you are not using Nod harversters, you should still move your harvesters away from Refineries or Tiberium fields when you hear the Catalyst Missile launch.


Power Offline ability


If a refinery is ready to be built, but your under attack and don't want your harvester being attacked. Place the refinery down as you usually would, but use the power off icon to power down the structure, before it finishes its build animation. This will prevent the harvester from popping out of the refinery.


Once the danger has passed, simply power back up the refinery , and your harvester will pop out, safe and ready to harvest Tiberium.


Wandering Harvesters


When the game enters the late game, tiberium fields are likely to become empty, forcing the harvesters to move to greener pastures. Try to keep an eye on your harvesters to prevent them from wandering towards an enemy held tiberium field.


A good example of harversters wandering is on maps like Tournament Arena and Tournament Tower, where it is likely bases are close to each other, and those harvesters have a problem telling friend from foe sometimes.


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