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命令与征服3: 特色地图战术指导之竞技场Scrin篇

  • What Should I Build Out of the Buildings?

    • Portal (Barracks): Build Shock Troopers or Disintegrators to absorb shots and deal decent damage, especially to armor.
    • 传送门(兵营):造震波部队或粉碎者来吸引火力并给予敌人尤其是装甲部队大量伤害。
    • Warp Sphere (War Factory): Build Seekers early on. As soon as you can, switch to Devourer Tanks and make sure you charge them up to deal with Predator Tanks. Then once you hit the third tier, switch to Tripods.
    • 扭曲球(车工厂):早期造搜索者。一旦可以,转而造吞食者,要确保它们充能。一旦你攀到三级科技,转而造三脚。
    • Gravity Stabilizer (Airfield): Build Stormriders early on if the opportunity presents itself. In the late game, a nice mix of Devastator Warships and Planetary Assault Carriers will work best.
    • 重力稳定器(机场):早期如果有机会的话,造风暴骑士。游戏后期,混造毁灭战舰,行星突击母舰是很好的选择。

    I've Got an Army, What Should I Do With it?

    There are two things that are critical in this match-up. You need to harass, and you need to protect. Sometimes when Attack Bike and Raider Buggy are spammed, the numbers are so great that you can't harass. That is okay if that happens; just make sure that you don't lose buildings or Harvesters. Once you reach Tripods, Attack Bike and Raider Buggy spam should be no problem. Hopefully you can harass his Harvesters with Seekers, though. Slowing their economy means the advantage is in your hands.

    My Opponent is Spamming a Whole Lot of Infantry, What Should I Do?

    Basically the same thing you did against GDI. Buzzer Hives and Devourer Tanks: Use the Devourer Tanks to deal with Scorpion Tanks and Raider Buggies. Remember, the range on the Devourer Tank is key to making this work. Once you are done with that, Buzzer Hives will clean up infantry rather well. Remember that placing Reactors (Power Plants) in front of the Buzzer Hives will keep them safe from fire while they can still go around and take out infantry. In the late game obviously Devastator Warships are the way to go. Remember also, when you see an opening where your opponent has no anti-infantry protection, to abuse The Swarm support power.

    The Tiberium Spikes

    Always grab them as soon as possible. It is fairly easy with the second build order. You will have one of the Bunkers already taken care of with the garrison (make sure it is on "Hold Fire" stance) and you can walk an Assimilator (Engineer) right in. If he manages to stop this, then just grab some Buzzers and clear his garrison.
    总是尽可能快的夺取它们。这对于第二个建造序列更容易些。你已经通过驻守的方式控制了一个地堡了(确保蜂群在"hold fire”状态)你可以派一个同化者(工程师)径直过去。如果对方成功阻止了你,那么只要带些蜂群清空地堡就行了。

    Growth Accelerators

    Try to make them as soon as you possibly can. Ideally this is when you are floating enough that building them won't make your cash flow hit zero. They are a huge advantage, especially over time.

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