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  卷四 2920年

  Rain's Hand


  Book One of 2920

  卷四 2920年

  The Last Year of the First Era



  Carlovac Townway


  3 Rain's Hand, 2920, Coldharbour, Oblivion


  Sotha Sil proceeded as quickly as he could through the


  blackened halls of the palace, half-submerged in brackish


  water. All around him, nasty gelatinous creatures scurried into the reeds, bursts of white fire lit up the upper arches


  of the hall before disappearing, and smells assaulted him,


  rancid death one moment, sweet flowered perfume the next.


  Several times he had visited the Daedra princes in their


  Oblivion, but every time, something different awaited him.


  He knew his purpose, and refused to be distracted.


  Eight of the more prominent Daedra princes were awaiting him


  in the half-melted, domed room. Azura, Prince of Dusk and Dawn;


  Boethiah, Prince of Plots; Herma-Mora, Daedra of Knowledge; Hircine, the Hunter; Malacath, God of Curses; Mehrunes Dagon,


  Prince of Disaster; Molag Bal, Prince of Rage; Sheogorath,


  the Mad One.

  Above them, the sky cast tormented shadows upon the meeting.


  5 Rain's Hand, 2920, The Isle of Artaeum, Summurset


  Sotha Sil's voice cried out, echoing from the cave, “Move the



  Immediately, the initiates obeyed, rolling aside the great


  boulder that blocked the entrance to the Dreaming Cavern.


  Sotha Sil emerged, his face smeared with ash, weary. He felt


  he had been away for months, years, but only a few days had


  transpired. Lilatha took his arm to help him walk, but he


  refused her help with a kind smile and a shake of his head.

  “Were you ... successful?” she asked.


  “The Daedra princes I spoke with have agreed to our terms,”


  he said flatly. “Disasters such as befell Gilverdale should


  be averted. Only through certain intermediaries such as witches or sorcerers will they answer the call of man and mer.”

  “And what did you promise them in return?” asked the Nord boy



  “The deals we make with Daedra,” said Sotha Sil, continuing


  on to Iachesis' palace to meet with the Master of the Psijic


  Order. “Should not be discussed with the innocent.”

  8 Rain's Hand, 2920, The Imperial City, Cyrodiil


  A storm billeted the windows of the Prince's bedchamber,


  bringing a smell of moist air to mix with the censors filled


  with burning incense and herbs.

  “A letter has arrived from the Empress, your mother,” said


  the courier. “Anxiously inquiring after your health.”

  “What frightened parents I have!” laughed Prince Juilek from


  his bed.

  “It is only natural for a mother to worry,” said


  Savirien-Chorak, the Potentate's son.

  “There is everything unnatural about my family, Akavir. My


  exiled mother fears that my father will imagine me of being


  a traitor, covetous of the crown, and is having me poisoned,”


  the Prince sank back into his pillow, annoyed. “The Emperor


  has insisted on me having a taster for all my meals as he does.”

  “There are many plots,” agreed the Akavir. “You have been abed


  for nearly three weeks with every healer in the empire


  shuffling through like a slow ballroom dance. At least, all


  can see that you're getting stronger.”

  “Strong enough to lead the vanguard against Morrowind soon,


  I hope,” said Juilek.

  11 Rain's Hand, 2920, The Isle of Artaeum, Summurset


  The initiates stood quietly in a row along the arbor loggia,


  watching the long, deep, marble-lined trench ahead of them


  flash with fire. The air above it vibrated with the waves of


  heat. Though each student kept his or her face sturdy and


  emotionless, as a true Psijic should, their terror was nearly

  as palpable as the heat. Sotha Sil closed his eyes and uttered


  the charm of fire resistance. Slowly, he walked across the


  basin of leaping flames, climbing to the other side, unscathed. Not even his white robe had been burned.

  “The charm is intensified by the energy you bring to it, by


  your own skills, just as all spells are,” he said. “Your


  imagination and your willpower are the keys. There is no need for a spell to give you a resistance to air, or a resistance


  to flowers, and after you cast the charm, you must forget there


  is even a need for a spell to give you resistance to fire.

  Do not confuse what I am saying: resistance is not about


  ignoring the fire's reality. You will feel the substance of


  flame, the texture of it, its hunger, and even the heat of it, but you will know that it will not hurt or injure you.”

  The students nodded and one by one, they cast the spell and


  made the walk through the fire. Some even went so far as to


  bend over and scoop up a handful of fire and feed it air, so


  it expanded like a bubble and melted through their fingers.


  Sotha Sil smiled. They were fighting their fear admirably.

  The Chief Proctor Thargallith came running from the arbor

  这时,首席学监法尔加利斯从藤架拱门跑来,“索塔 希尔!阿玛莱希雅已经到达

  arches, “Sotha Sil! Almalexia has arrived on Artaeum. Iachesis


  told me to fetch you.”

  Sotha Sil turned to Thargallith for only a moment, but he knew


  instantly from the screams what had transpired. The Nord lad


  Wellig had not cast the spell properly and was burning. The smell of scorched hair and flesh panicked the other students


  who were struggling to get out of the basin, pulling him with


  them, but the incline was too steep away from the entry points. With a wave of his hand, Sotha Sil extinguished the flame.

  Wellig and several other students were burned, but not badly.


  The sorcerer cast a healing spell on them, before turning back


  to Thargallith.

  “I'll be with you in a moment, and give Almalexia the time


  to shake the road dust from her train,” Sotha Sil turned back

  to the students, his voice flat. “Fear does not break spells,


  but doubt and incompetence are the great enemies of any


  spellcaster. Master Welleg, you will pack your bags. I'll arrange for a boat to bring you to the mainland tomorrow



  The sorcerer found Almalexia and Iachesis in the study,


  drinking hot tea, and laughing. She was more beautiful than


  he had remembered, though he had never before seen her so disheveled, wrapped in a blanket, dangling her damp long black


  tresses before the fire to dry. At Sotha Sil's approach, she


  leapt to her feet and embraced him.

  “Did you swim all the way from Morrowind?” he smiled.


  “It's pouring rain from Skywatch down to the coast,” she


  explained, returning his smile.

  “Only a half a league away, and it never rains here,” said


  Iachesis proudly. “Of course, I sometimes miss the excitement


  of Summurset, and sometimes even the mainland itself. Still,


  I'm always very impressed by anyone out there who gets anything


  accomplished. It is a world of distractions. Speaking of distractions, what's all this I hear about a war?”

  “You mean the one that's been bloodying the continent for the


  last eighty years, Master?” asked Sotha Sil, amused.


  “I suppose that's the one I mean,” said Iachesis with a shrug


  of his shoulders. “How is that war going?”


  “We will lose it, unless I can convince Sotha Sil to leave


  Artaeum,” said Almalexia, losing her smile. She had meant to


  wait and talk to her friend in private, but the old Altmer


  gave her courage to press on. “I have had visions; I know it


  to be true.”

  Sotha Sil was silent for a moment, and then looked at Iachesis,


  “I must return to Morrowind.”

  “Knowing you, if you must do something, you will,” sighed the


  old Master. “The Psijics' way is not to be distracted. Wars


  are fought, Empires rise and fall. You must go, and so must



  “What do you mean, Iachesis? You're leaving the island?”


  “No, the island will be leaving the sea,” said Iachesis, his


  voice taking on a dreamy quality. “In a few years, the mists


  will move over Artaeum and we will be gone. We are counselors


  by nature, and there are too many counselors in Tamriel as


  it is. No, we will go, and return when the land needs us again, perhaps in another age.”

  The old Altmer struggles to his feet, and drained the last


  sip of his drink before leaving Sotha Sil and Almalexia alone:


  “Don't miss the last boat.”

  The Year Continues in Second Seed.



  Blind Cliff Bastion (The Reach) on Petra (only as part of quest The Affairs of Hagravens).


  Falion's House (Morthal), on a table.


  Hall of the Dead (Markarth), on the shelf next to the priest's bed.


  370 ft NNE of Journeyman's Nook (Winterhold), at the end of a crevasse. (map)


  Behind Widow's Watch Ruins (Haafingar). (map)


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