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  Blackwall: 什么不是我的错?

  Cole: 他们想要的是黑墙,而不是雷尼尔。这就是为什么他们会生气。

  Blackwall: 生气?真的?我还以为那些皱着眉头的脸是我想象出来的呢。现在既然你知道了,也好上语言攻击我一番了?


  Blackwall: 你治愈那些无助的人们…但你对我曾经隐藏的事情并不生气?

  Cole: 你从来都没对我隐藏过什么。

  Cole: “仿声鸟,仿声鸟”。马车中有太多的声音。主啊,他们还小。

  Cole: 如果我让我的人停手,他们就会知道这一切都是谎言。寒冷,交捆,心脏锤击着像仓门上的手斧。

  Blackwall: 停下来,求你了。


  Blackwall: Cole,如果早知道我是谁,我做过什么,你为何没有告诉过任何人。

  Cole: 每个人都藏匿着已死的东西,每个人都在假装。而你却想要修复它。

  Blackwall: 我是个杀人犯。

  Cole: 你并不想这样,于是你创造了新的自己。你,就是黑墙,你,杀死了雷尼尔。

  Blackwall: 只要那是可能的话。

  Cole: 你就会站在雷尼尔和那仓库之间。但是你不能,事情也并不像那样。

  Cole: 于是你背负上这些尸骨以永远记得。

  Blackwall: 我想我是的。

  [After Blackwall's inner circle quest.]

  Cole: I'm sorry you have to stay. It wouldn't work for them. You were trying to fix it. It isn't your fault.

  Blackwall: What isn't my fault?

  Cole: They wanted Blackwall, not Rainier. That's why the others are angry.

  Blackwall: Angry? Really? I thought I was just imagining all the frowning faces. Care to tear into me as well, now that you know?


  Blackwall: You, who heal the helpless... you're not angry about what I was hiding?

  Cole: You never hid from me.

  Cole: "Mockingbird, mockingbird." Too many voices in the carriage. Maker, they're young.

  Cole: If I tell my men to stop, they'll know it was all a lie. Cold, trapped, heart hammering like axes on a carriage door.

  Blackwall: Stop. Please.


  Blackwall: Cole, if you knew what I am, what I'd done, why didn't you tell the others?

  Cole: Everyone hides dead things. Everyone pretends. You wanted to fix it.

  Blackwall: I'm a murderer.

  Cole: You don't want to be. You made a new you. You are Blackwall. You killed Rainier.

  Blackwall: If only that were possible.

  Cole: You would stand between Rainier and the carriage. But you can't. It doesn't work like that.

  Cole: So you carry the bodies to remember.

  Blackwall: I suppose I do.

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