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英文作者:By: Savy`

Because of the economy nerf in 1.09, managing and exploiting tiberium to it's fullest has become more important than ever. Here is some tips on how to get the edge over your oppoent's cash.


Harvester micro. Your harvesters will usually go for the closest tiberium crystal to them. This is not always a good idea, as the closest tiberium may be a baby crystal, which will only provide you with 1/4 of the cash of a full adult crystal. Tiberium crystals have three stages of developement: Baby, which is small and only provides 1/16th of a harvester load, medium, which only prives 1/8th of a harvester load, and adult which provides 1/4th of a harvester load. Leaving baby crystals to develope increases you cash flow further, because the value of the crystals increases exponentially until it reaches it's final stage: Adult.

矿车微操  你的矿车通常会采集离他们最近的泰矿。但这并不总是最好的选择,比如最近的泰矿只是一片幼矿晶体,它只能提供相当于1/4成熟泰矿的金钱。泰矿晶体有三个成长阶段:幼矿,它们很小,只能提供1/16的矿车载荷。中型矿,它只能提供1/8的矿车载荷。成年泰矿,它们可以提供1/4矿车载荷。让幼矿留下来继续成长可以让你的现金流增长的更加长远,因为泰矿晶体的价值在它达到成熟期之前是按照指数级增长的。

Late game tiberium. If you find yourself in a late game situation, sometimes it's best to gather all your harvesters together and stop them from harvesting, letting your tiberium grow. This is because of the exponential increase in value tiberium crystals go through. If you let your harvesters continue to harvest, they will only mop up the small baby crystals, and not give them enough time to grow into more valuable crystals. Though you would have to experience a temporary hault in your economy, the supreme value of adult crystals makes up for the lost income once you feel you should begin harvesting again.

游戏晚期的泰矿 如果你发现自己处于游戏晚期的情况,有时最好把你的所有矿车聚集起来停止采矿,让你的泰矿生长。 这是因为泰矿晶体价值是遵循指数性增长的。 如果让你的矿车继续开采,它们只会不断的吃光小的幼矿,而没有时间让它们长成更有价值的晶体。尽管这样做你的经济可能会经历一个暂时的停滞,但一旦你感觉应该再次开始采矿时,成熟泰矿更高的价值可以弥补这个收入的损失。

Nod and Scrin have slight advantages for their lategame economy over GDI, as they have abilities that allow them to harvest more.

在游戏后期的经济方面,Nod 和Scrin 相比GDI拥有少许的优势,因为它们用于的能力可以让它们的矿车采集更多的泰矿。

Nod has the Seed Tiberium support power, available upon contructing the Tiberium Chemical Plant, which, when deployed, drops a small cluster of tiberium crystals anywhere on the map. This is not to be taken lightly. In a win or lose situation, that extra cash you get can bump your economy enough to allow you to make a gamechanging move. Always remember to immediately deploy the Seed Tiberium as soon as you place your Tiberium Chemical Plant, so it can be recharged sooner and thus allowing you to deploy it more.

Nod 的播种泰矿支持能力(建造泰矿化学工厂后可用),在使用时,可以在地图上任何地方落下一小丛泰矿晶体。不要小看它,在胜负攸关的情况下,一点额外的现金可以为你的经济提供足够的支持,从而实现情况的大逆转。请记住尽可能在你放置好泰矿化学工厂以后立刻就释放一次播种泰矿技能,这样可以让它更快充能,并且可以让你更多次的使用它。

Scrin has the Growth Accelerator, available upon contructing Scrin's Refinary. This building can be placed on top of any tiberium field, increasing the regrowth rate of tiberium for that field by 50%! It is a building that many players overlook, but it's effects mid and late game are far too great to ignore, as it pays for itself and starts yielding profit very quickly. Consider having one building as soon as you get a bump in your cashflow. Remember, your foundry can only make Growth Accelerators in it's defence menu, so it won't block you from constructing anything else.

Scrin 拥有泰矿生长加速器(建造Scrin's矿厂后可用),这个建筑物可以放置在任何一个泰矿上,它可以使得泰矿的再生长率提高50%!这是很多玩家忽视的一个建筑,但是它对游戏的中后期的影响是非常大而不能忽略的,因为它可以非常迅速的回收成本产生收益。尽可能在你的现金流出现上涨的时候建造它。记住,在你主基地的防御菜单里只能建造它,所以它不会影响你造其他东西。

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