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  It_Plant_Alligator Blutschilf

  It_Plant_Booze Liquor berry

  It_Plant_Booze_Snow Liquor berry

  It_Plant_Cactus Kaktusble

  It_Plant_DemonMush Donenpilz

  It_Plant_DemonMush_Snow Donenpilz

  It_Plant_DEX Goblinbeere

  It_Plant_DEX_Snow Goblinbeere

  It_Plant_DruidStone Stone root

  It_Plant_Health Welfare plant

  It_Plant_HealthPerm Kings Sorrel herb

  It_Plant_HealthPerm_Snow Kings Sorrel herb

  It_Plant_Health_02 Sun herb

  It_Plant_Health_02_Snow Sun herb

  It_Plant_Health_03 Welfare root

  It_Plant_Health_03_Snow Welfare root

  It_Plant_Health_04 Forest berry

  It_Plant_Health_04_Snow Forest berry

  It_Plant_Health_Snow Welfare plant

  It_Plant_Lion King thistle

  It_Plant_Mana Manapflanze

  It_Plant_ManaPerm Flame berry

  It_Plant_ManaPerm_Snow Flame berry

  It_Plant_Mana_02 Feuernessel

  It_Plant_Mana_02_Snow Feuernessel

  It_Plant_Mana_03 Charm root

  It_Plant_Mana_03_Snow Charm root

  It_Plant_Mana_04 Morgentau

  It_Plant_Mana_04_Snow Morgentau

  It_Plant_Mana_Snow Manapflanze

  It_Plant_Perm_01 Kronstkel

  It_Plant_Perm_01_Snow Kronstkel

  It_Plant_ShapeMush Strange mushroom

  It_Plant_ShapeMush_Snow Strange mushroom

  It_Plant_Snapper Snapperroot

  It_Plant_Stamina Ogerblatt

  It_Plant_Stamina_01 Ogerblatt

  It_Plant_Stamina_01_Snow Ogerblatt

  It_Plant_Stamina_02 Iron stem

  It_Plant_Stamina_02_Snow I ron stem

  It_Plant_STAPerm Harnischkraut

  It_Plant_STAPerm_Snow Harnischkraut

  It_Plant_StoneNettle Felsnessel

  It_Plant_StoneNettle_Snow Felsnessel

  It_Plant_STR Kite root

  It_Plant_STR_Snow Kite root

  It_Plant_SwampWeed Sump herb

  It_Plant_ToadMush Krenwurz

  It_Plant_ToadMush_Snow Krenwurz

  It_Plant_Trelott Staudenlobelie

  It_Plant_Wolf Wolf herb

  It_Plant_Wolf_Snow Wolf herb


  It_DruidStone_Lion Druidenstein of the lion

  It_DruidStone_Lurker Druidenstein lurker

  It_DruidStone_Ripper Druidenstein of the Rippers

  It_DruidStone_Ripper_Broken Destroyed Druidenstein

  It_DruidStone_Shadowbeast Druidenstein of the shade runner

  It_DruidStone_Snapper Druidenstein of the Snappers

  It_DruidStone_Waran Druidenstein be to

  It_DruidStone_Wolf Druidenstein of the wolf

  It_Scroll_ALC_01 Alchemie I

  It_Scroll_AnimalForm Animal shape

  It_Scroll_ArmyOfDarkness Army of the darkness

  It_Scroll_BanishVermin Drive out

  It_Scroll_BlessWeapon Weapon benediction

  It_Scroll_Bloodlust Blood intoxication

  It_Scroll_CallAnimals Animals call

  It_Scroll_Charm Forgotten

  It_Scroll_CureDisease Strengths

  It_Scroll_CurePoison Poisoning heal

  It_Scroll_DestroyEvil Bad destroy

  It_Scroll_Disease Weaknesses

  It_Scroll_DuskToDawn Night to day

  It_Scroll_Fear Fright

  It_Scroll_Fireball Fire ball

  It_Scroll_Firerain Fire rain

  It_Scroll_Flamesword Flame sword call

  It_Scroll_FrostWave Ice wave

  It_Scroll_Hailstorm Hail tower

  It_Scroll_Heal Heal

  It_Scroll_Healing Healing

  It_Scroll_HealOther Remote healing

  It_Scroll_HeatWave Flame wave

  It_Scroll_Icelance Ice lance

  It_Scroll_INT_01 Old scroll

  It_Scroll_Light Light

  It_Scroll_Lightningbolt Thunderbolt

  It_Scroll_Meteor Meteor

  It_Scroll_Mist Fog

  It_Scroll_OpenLocks Locks open

  It_Scroll_Poison Poison

  It_Scroll_Refresh -

  It_Scroll_Resurrect -

  It_Scroll_ShockWave Energy field

  It_Scroll_Sleep Sleep

  It_Scroll_SoulTravel Soul migration

  It_Scroll_SpiritLink Spirit contact

  It_Scroll_SummonDemon Don swore to

  It_Scroll_SummonGoblin Goblin swore to

  It_Scroll_SummonGolem GOLEM swore to

  It_Scroll_SummonImp Skeleton swore to

  It_Scroll_SummonLightning Lightning swore to

  It_Scroll_SummonSkeleton Skeleton swore to

  It_Scroll_TameAnimal Animal zmen

  It_Scroll_Telekinesis Telekinese

  It_Scroll_TimeBubble Time blister

  It_Scroll_WordOfControl Word of the rule

  It_Spell_AnimalForm Animal shape

  It_Spell_ArmyOfDarkness Army of the darkness

  It_Spell_BanishVermin Drive out

  It_Spell_BlessWeapon Weapon benediction

  It_Spell_Bloodlust Blood intoxication

  It_Spell_CallAnimals Animals call

  It_Spell_Charm Forgotten

  It_Spell_CureDisease Strengths

  It_Spell_CurePoison Poisoning heal

  It_Spell_DestroyEvil Bad destroy

  It_Spell_Disease Weaknesses

  It_Spell_DuskToDawn Night to day

  It_Spell_Fear Fright

  It_Spell_Fireball Fire ball

  It_Spell_Firerain Fire rain

  It_Spell_Flamesword Flame sword call

  It_Spell_FrostWave Ice wave

  It_Spell_Hailstorm Hail tower

  It_Spell_Heal Heal

  It_Spell_Healing Healing

  It_Spell_HealOther Remote healing

  It_Spell_HeatWave Flame wave

  It_Spell_IceBomb Ice explosion

  It_Spell_Icelance Ice lance

  It_Spell_Light Light

  It_Spell_Lightningbolt Thunderbolt

  It_Spell_Meteor Meteor

  It_Spell_Mist Fog

  It_Spell_OpenLocks Locks open

  It_Spell_Poison Poison

  It_Spell_Refresh Erfri

  It_Spell_Resurrect Revival

  It_Spell_ShockWave Shock wave

  It_Spell_Sleep Sleep

  It_Spell_SoulTravel Soul migration

  It_Spell_SpiritLink Spirit contact

  It_Spell_SummonDemon Don swore to

  It_Spell_SummonGoblin Goblin swore to

  It_Spell_SummonGolem GOLEM swore to

  It_Spell_SummonImp Skeleton swore to

  It_Spell_SummonLightning Lightning swore to

  It_Spell_SummonSkeleton Skeleton swore to

  It_Spell_TameAnimal Zmen

  It_Spell_Telekinesis Telekinese

  It_Spell_TimeBubble Time blister

  It_Spell_WordOfControl Word of the rule

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