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  It_Shield_Knight_01 Knight sign

  It_Shield_Leather_01 Leather sign

  It_Shield_Paladin_01 Paladinschild

  It_Shield_Rhobar_01 Kigsschiild

  It_Shield_Round_01 Rundschild

  It_Shield_Rune_01 Rune sign

  It_Shield_Skull_01 Head sign

  It_Shield_Tower_01 Sign

  It_Shield_Wood_01 Wood sign

  It_Shield_Wood_02 Wood sign

  It_Shield_Wood_03 Wood sign

  It_Shield_Wood_04 Wood sign

  It_Shield_Wood_05 Wood sign

  It_Shield_Wood_06 Wood sign

  It_Shield_Wood_07 Wood sign

  Mike_Shield Sign


  It_Am_Assassin_01 Amulett of the Assassinen

  It_Am_DEX_01 Amulett of the hunter

  It_Am_Druid_01 Amulett of the Druiden

  It_Am_HP_01 Amulett of the vitality

  It_Am_Hunter_01 Amulett of the hunter

  It_Am_Jaeger_02 Amulett of the concentration

  It_Am_Jaeger_03 Amulett of the hunter

  It_Am_Krieger_01 Amulett Kraft

  It_Am_Krieger_02 Amulett of the honour

  It_Am_Krieger_03 Amulett of the Warriors/Soldiers

  It_Am_Mage_01 Magieramulett

  It_Am_Magier_01 Amulett of the knowledge

  It_Am_Magier_02 Amulett of the Zauberei

  It_Am_Magier_03 Amulett of the Magiers

  It_Am_MP_01 Amulett of the magic

  It_Am_Paladin_01 Amulett of the Paladins

  It_Am_Priester_01 Amulett of the faith

  It_Am_Priester_02 Amulett that became

  It_Am_Priester_03 Amulett of the priest

  It_Am_Prot_Edge_01 Amulett of the defense

  It_Am_Prot_Edge_02 Amulett of the masterful protection

  It_Am_Prot_Edge_03 Harnischamulett

  It_Am_Prot_Edge_04 Amulett of the iron skin

  It_Am_Prot_Fire_01 Amulett of the fire protection

  It_Am_Prot_Ice_01 Amulett of the ice protection

  It_Am_Prot_Lightning_01 Amulett of the energy defense

  It_Am_Prot_Missile_01 Amulett of the projectile defense

  It_Am_SP_01 Amulett of the perseverance

  It_Am_STR_01 Amulett of the strength

  It_Am_Thief_01 Diebesamulett

  It_Am_Warrior_01 Amulett of the Kriegers

  It_Artefact_Amulet Amulett of the G鰐tlichkeit

  It_Ramon_Amulet Ramons Amulett


  It_Recipe_2Handed Zweih der

  It_Recipe_2HandedOre Ore Zweih der

  It_Recipe_Alligator Crocodile

  It_Recipe_AncestorMight Power of the ancestors

  It_Recipe_AncestorSword Sword of the ancestors

  It_Recipe_Bastardsword Hybrid sword

  It_Recipe_Bison Bison

  It_Recipe_Bloodfly Blood fly

  It_Recipe_BluntArrow Prescription head nut

  It_Recipe_Boar Wild pig

  It_Recipe_Booze_1 Liquor

  It_Recipe_Booze_2 Liquor

  It_Recipe_Booze_3 Booze

  It_Recipe_Booze_Nrd Nordmarer nebula spirit

  It_Recipe_Broadsword Broad sword

  It_Recipe_CureDisease Weakness heal

  It_Recipe_CurePoison Gegengift

  It_Recipe_Deadly Deadly poison

  It_Recipe_DEX Drink of the hunt

  It_Recipe_ElBastardo El Bastardo

  It_Recipe_ExplosiveArrow Prescription blowing up arrow

  It_Recipe_FireArrow Prescription fire arrow

  It_Recipe_Firewaran Feuerwaran

  It_Recipe_Fire_1 Liquid fire

  It_Recipe_Fire_2 Liquid fire

  It_Recipe_Health_1 Heal-climb from healing plants

  It_Recipe_Health_2 Heal-climb from sun herb

  It_Recipe_Health_3 Heal-climb from welfare roots

  It_Recipe_Health_4 Heal-climb from forest berries

  It_Recipe_HPMax Drink of the vitality

  It_Recipe_Lion Lion

  It_Recipe_Longsword Long sword

  It_Recipe_Lurker Lurker

  It_Recipe_Mana_1 Manatrank from Manapflanzen

  It_Recipe_Mana_2 Manatrank from Feuernesseln

  It_Recipe_Mana_3 Manatrank from charm roots

  It_Recipe_Mana_4 Manatrank from Morgentau

  It_Recipe_MasterSword Master sword

  It_Recipe_MC Minecrawler

  It_Recipe_Meatbug Meat bug

  It_Recipe_Meatbugragout Fleischwanzenragout

  It_Recipe_MPMax Drink of the concentration

  It_Recipe_NrdSword North march value Sword

  It_Recipe_PoisonArrow Prescription poison arrow

  It_Recipe_Poison_1 The poison is won from a Giftblase.

  It_Recipe_Poison_2 The poison is won from Waranzungen

  It_Recipe_Poison_3 Poison from the pricks of the blood fly

  It_Recipe_Rhino Nashorn

  It_Recipe_Rubyblade Ruby blade

  It_Recipe_Runesword Rune sword

  It_Recipe_Sabertooth Sword tooth

  It_Recipe_Scavenger Scavenger

  It_Recipe_Shadowbeast Shade runner

  It_Recipe_Snapper Snapper

  It_Recipe_SPMax Drink of the perseverance

  It_Recipe_Stamina_1 Persevere-climb

  It_Recipe_Stamina_2 Persevere-climb

  It_Recipe_Stew Pot

  It_Recipe_Stollengrollen Stoll close roles

  It_Recipe_STR Drink of the strength

  It_Recipe_SwampLurker Sump lurker

  It_Recipe_Waran Waran

  It_Recipe_Wolf Wolf


  It_Perk_1H1H_1 Fight with two blade

  It_Perk_1H1H_2 Master of the two blade

  It_Perk_1H_1 Sword fighter

  It_Perk_1H_2 Strong sword fighter

  It_Perk_1H_3 Sword master

  It_Perk_Acrobatic Akrobatik

  It_Perk_Assassin Meucheln

  It_Perk_Axe_1 Large weapons

  It_Perk_Axe_2 Large weapons II

  It_Perk_Axe_3 Large weapons III

  It_Perk_Barter Feil

  It_Perk_Bow_1 Elbow

  It_Perk_Bow_2 Elbow contactor

  It_Perk_Bow_3 Master contactor

  It_Perk_Crossbow_1 Heavy arm chest

  It_Perk_Crossbow_2 Arm chest contactor

  It_Perk_Crossbow_3 Master contactor

  It_Perk_Darkmage Schwarzmagier

  It_Perk_DeadlyArrow Deadly arrows manufacture

  It_Perk_Druid Druide

  It_Perk_Excuse Rausreden

  It_Perk_ExplosiveArrow Explosion arrows manufacture

  It_Perk_FireArrow Fire arrows manufacture

  It_Perk_Firemage Feuermagier

  It_Perk_HeavyArmor Arms improve

  It_Perk_Hunter_1 Game hunter

  It_Perk_Hunter_2 Large game hunter

  It_Perk_ImmuneToDisease Weakness resistance

  It_Perk_ImmuneToPoison Poison resistance

  It_Perk_JumpAttack -

  It_Perk_KnockOut Strike down

  It_Perk_Learn Fast learning

  It_Perk_LightArmor Robes improve

  It_Perk_LockPick_1 Simple locks crack

  It_Perk_LockPick_2 Heavy locks crack

  It_Perk_LockPick_3 Impossible locks crack

  It_Perk_MasterGladiator Regeneration

  It_Perk_MasterMage One acre generation

  It_Perk_MasterThief Master thief

  It_Perk_Mining Sch fer

  It_Perk_OrcHunter Orkj er

  It_Perk_OrcSlayer Orkt er

  It_Perk_Orcslayer Orkt er

  It_Perk_Paladin Paladin

  It_Perk_PickPocket_1 Simple pick-pocketing

  It_Perk_PickPocket_2 Heavy pick-pocketing

  It_Perk_PickPocket_3 Impossible pick-pocketing

  It_Perk_PoisonArrow Poison arrows manufacture

  It_Perk_PoisonBlade Blade poison

  It_Perk_PotionDangerous Dangerous watering places

  It_Perk_PotionHP Welfare watering places brew

  It_Perk_PotionMP Manatr ke brew

  It_Perk_PotionPerm Watering place with permanent effect

  It_Perk_PotionPoison Poison manufacture

  It_Perk_PotionTransform Conversion watering places brew

  It_Perk_ResistCold Resistance against cold weather

  It_Perk_ResistHeat Resistance against heat

  It_Perk_SharpenBlade Blade sharpen

  It_Perk_Shield_1 Sign parade

  It_Perk_Shield_2 Strong sign parade

  It_Perk_Smith_1 Forge

  It_Perk_Smith_2 Ore weapons schmieden

  It_Perk_Smith_3 Weapons from pure ore schmieden

  It_Perk_Sneak_1 Creep

  It_Perk_Sneak_2 Sound-loose hunter

  It_Perk_Sprinter Perseverance of the wolf

  It_Perk_StaffMagic Magic staffs

  It_Perk_StaffParade Magic staffs

  It_Perk_Staff_1 Staff fight

  It_Perk_Staff_2 Staff fight II

  It_Perk_Staff_3 Staff fight III

  It_Perk_TrophyFur Animal skins take

  It_Perk_TrophySkin Reptile skins take

  It_Perk_TrophyTeeth Teeth, claws and horns

  It_Perk_Watermage Wassermagier


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