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命令与征服3: 特色地图战术指导之竞技场GDI篇

特色地图指导之竞技场 第一部分:GDI篇


Tournament Arena - How to become a Pro from a Beginner: GDI


Getting stuck as GDI on Tournament Arena? Do you seem to be getting outplayed regardless of what faction you play against? This guide is intended to help even lower level players get more accomplished on this map. Now you might be thinking, there’s no way I can become pro by just reading this? You're right, you'll have to practice the things said in this guide a lot and be able to do them with great speed, but it has been proven to work. A friend of mine achieved a skill level in which he could handle top 1000 games in roughly a week.


What faction do you play and what faction am I facing?


Currently in patch 1.09, the army with an advantage is Nod, however GDI and Scrin still stand a good chance, making Random a viable option for this map. This means that you can play any faction at the moment and win. In this three part series, we will start with GDI and their match-ups, followed by Nod, then Scrin.


What faction is your opponent?


Depending on which faction your opponent is, you will have to adapt your play style and know how to counter your opponent’s play style. An easy example is against Nod, going for an early expansion is like castrating yourself, unless you know your opponent and they never use Shadow Teams. Keep situations like this in mind as we progress.


This guide will not always mention Power Plants in the later parts of build orders. Build Power Plants as soon as you see that your power will be low. Also, when moving your MCV, do not forget it will temporary give you less power too.



This one is a genuine slugfest with plenty of tank batlles. Basically, the first person to get Rail Guns is at a major advantage, since brute force generally wins. However, there are a couple more subtle aspects to playing against another GDI player on this map.


Build Orders

Power Plant/Surveyor
Barracks /Watchtower (Sell and garrison the bunker at your blue field. You might want to repeat the Watchtower sell to scout the map or garrisoning your Tiberium Spike)

Variations for early Barracks producton:

  • Rocketmen to the opponent’s blue bunker- Engineer - Riflemen
  • 火箭兵到敌方蓝矿地堡-工程师-机枪兵
  • Engineer - Riflemen
  • 工程师-机枪兵
  • Two Engineers for Engineer Rushing
  • 两个工程师(为工程师快攻)
War Factory
Refinery at blue field
Refinery at blue field
War Factory
Power Plant
Refinery (middle green field)
Refinery (optional - middle green field)
Command Post
Tech Center (Rail guns)
Airfield or Space Command Center (depends on your opponent’s play style)

From here you can adapt this to your own play style. Some prefer a third War Factory for extra armor. Others another Refinery for an income boost, but personally I prefer the Refinery.

That’s my build order for the map, which is a good start, but abuild order without content is nothing. For anyone who has seen the ladder season replays of Shadowterran, both Dackel and Avilo lost because they did not garrison their blue field bunker, which is large oversight. Shadowterran’s tactic would have been rendered uselsss if that was done.

What to do which each building?

  • Barracks: Build Rocketmen and Riflemen, to a ratio that you like. I prefer three Riflemen to six Rocketmen ratios, but I generally don't use much infantry, mostly as cannon fodder.
  • 兵营:建造火箭兵和机枪兵,按照你喜欢的比例建造。我喜欢三个机枪兵搭配六个火箭兵的比例,但是我通常不大用步兵,他们大多是作炮灰。
  • War Factories: Spam Predators. Add in the occasional APC for Engineer Rushing, at which you'll need to build an Engineer out of Barracks. Also adapt to what your opponent is doing, Predators work fine against anything aside from air units. If you opponent goes with Orcas, then get a few Pitbulls to counter. After teching up, switch to Mammoth Tanks.
  • 车工厂:暴捕食者。穿插一些APC为了工程师快攻,同时你需要要从兵营造一个工程师。同样的,要根据你的对手的情况来调整,捕食者可以轻松对抗空军以外的任何东西。如果你的对手造了奥卡,那么你该造些斗犬来抵抗。在攀科技后,转而造猛犸。
  • Airfield: 4 Firehawks, which is enough to destroy an opposing Tech Center. Stratofighter Boosters are optional.
  • 机场:4个火鹰,这足够你摧毁敌人的高科了,云层推进升级可选。
  • Space Command Center: This is mainly when you're battling it out and your opponent’s force is equally strong or stronger. Use Shockwave Artillery and kill of as many disabled units as possible. Do NOT fire it first if your opponent has one too, it will cost you lose the battle.
  • 空间指挥中心:这主要是当你开始出击而你对手的部队与你实力相当或略强的时候。使用冲击波炮击让你对手尽可能多的单位瘫痪。如果你的对手也有一个的话,不要首先使用,否则它将会让你输掉战斗。

What should I do with my army?

Actually, GDI has two choices. You can split up your forces and annoy him with several attacks (e.g. from the North and South.) I advise you to use hotkeys for your War Factories and set rally points if you go for this option. Or you can build up a huge force and go head on. When you're attacking, make sure to line your tanks up in back using the Right & Left mouse buttons together to make a formation, and then attack with the infantry in front. This is a great way to preserve your armored units while your opponent wastes their time fighting infantry.

If you cannot win a battle, retreat. Also, if your opponent is outplaying you while you are on the offensive, keep on the lookout for Sonic Emitters that may pop up.

My opponent is spamming alot of infantry, what should I do?

Against other GDI player, all you need is a Commando APC, and some distraction APCs with Snipers. The Commando APC is exceptional at killing any type of infantry. Generally people will respond by building an Orca or two and hunt down the APC, or send Predators to the APC. In either case you can trap him with your Predators.

The Tiberium Spikes

Probably the most important thing on the map is capturing the Tiberium Spikes and keeping control of them. As GDI, you can Engineer/APC to capture them all the time since its probably the easiest and most secure way to do it.

The Juggernaut

Juggernauts are not build very often in the match-up, but they should if your opponent is massing Predators. You will gain an advantage if you throw in two or three Juggernauts. Never build more than that number though, as they are definitely not a stand alone force.

Countering my Opponents Attempts of Engineer Rushing Me

Map awareness and decent scouting are vital. Nothing should get through if you pay attention. In the early game, this cannot always be detected though, so you'll have to have a backup plan. A few Rocketmen can save you a lot of trouble, and so can your first Predator Tanks. Your opponent and you, if you decide to Engineer Rush, will go for these three targets in the early game:

  • Your blue Refinery
  • 你的蓝矿厂
  • Your Construction Yard/War Factory
  • 你的主基地/车工厂
  • Your Tiberium Spike
  • 你的矿柱

You can counter this by sending a Riflemen Squad straight to his main green field at the beginning of the game, after the first and second Watchtowers sells. Look at his base to see how many APCs he builds. This will be the number of Engineer/APCs coming. Then look at the direction your opponent is going and prepare at those sides, have a Watchtower queued up to be placed wherever you opponent may go.

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