when you make a melee basic attack using a weapon you are proficient with,you use charisma instead of strength for the attack roll and
the damage roll
heavy shield proficiency
you gain proficiency with heavy shields
1-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 1-handed blades
2-handed blade weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all 2-handed blades
bow weapon proficiency
you gain proficiency with all bows
1-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a 2-handed blade
axe weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding an axe.
blunt weapon focus
you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with any wepon power you use while wielding a blunt weapon
thrown weapon focus
bow weapon focus
crossbow weapon focus
+1 弩专长
1-handed blade weapon expertise
you gain a+1 feat bonus to attack rolls with any weapon power you use while wielding a 1-handed blade
2-handed blade weapon expertise
axe weapon expertise
blunt weapon expertise
thrown weapon expertise
bow weapon expertise
crossbow weapon expertise