I'm Going All-in!
In the Nightclub job, put a bag filled with money on the poker table.
Shoot the Glass!
In the Mallcrasher job, destroy all windows in the mall.
Lord of War
On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.
Guessing Game
On day 2 of the Firestarter job, complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.
首先你要知道如何潜入这张图,而要在不黑掉电脑的情况下潜入完成完全看RP。很多人说有规律,其实不然,所以说,多去扶扶老奶奶过马路,然后祈祷吧。以下是所有可能出现Security Box的位置:
The First Line
On day 3 of the Firestarter job, find the rare hockey poster of the OVERKILL hockey team.
King of the Hill
In the Park escape, ensure that no law enforcement enters the park before the escape van arrives.
在Park escape中,逃跑汽车赶到之前不要让任何警察进入公园内。推荐4人Normal难度下,一人守住公园一个入口即可。
单人下,开始后不管你在何处出生,迅速清理掉眼前的警察后来到公园,然后杀掉公园附近的平民,否则待会儿平民会跑到公园里,警察也一定会进入公园。之后来到停车场靠近建筑的十字路口固守即可,注意一段时间后敌人的直升机会在前面的街上运送一些人过 来,请务必速速干掉。
You Shall Not Pass!
In the Overpass escape, don't let the cops s-e-t foot on the bridge before you can escape.
在Overpass escape中,逃跑汽车赶到之前不要让任何警察去到桥上。
Cappuccino to Go, Please
In the Cafe escape, secure all loot and escape within 30 seconds of the escape van arriving.
在Cafe escape中,在逃跑汽车赶到后30秒之内带上所有包离开。
Bullet Dodger
In the Street escape, complete the escape without killing any enemy snipers.
在Street escape中,不杀死任何狙击手完成任务。
They See Me Baggin', They Hatin'
On the Garage escape, get away with 8 bags.
在Garage escape中,带着8包逃跑。
推荐多人合作OK难度Transport: Harbor的任务,有极高的几率能拿到8包(建议带上电锯),并有不小的几率出现Garage escape图。
Tip the Scales
In the safe house, find the hidden basement.
How Do You Like Me Now?
Equip an armor for the first time.
Man of Iron
Equip the Improved Combined Tactical Vest.
需要ENFORCER的IRON MAN技能(至少要有44个技能点)。