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  有关战术的讨论(Tactical Considerations)


  Rogues are masters of stealth and subterfuge, outsmarting and outmaneuvering their opponents to gain a tactical advantage. As a result,this can be a tricky yet rewarding class to play, requiring a heightened sense of tactical awareness, constantly scanning the battlefield for new opportunities. Unlike warriors, rogues do not gain guard and must put an emphasis on evading incoming strikes. In addition to Stealth, rely on abilities like Evade(Subterfuge), Leaping Shot (Archery), and Flank Attack (Double Daggers) to get out of trouble. Have at least one of these abilities mapped and ready toactivate whenever you see a large enemy winding up for a major attack.

  手持双刀的盗贼能够对敌人进行疯狂的输出,当他们来到敌人的侧翼时,更是如此——双刀已经算秒伤(DPS)最高的武器之一了,而盗贼还一下拿着两把。不过尽管盗贼在近战中实力过人,跟重装护甲的敌人正面硬刚也是不可取的。相反地,先开隐身,来到敌人侧翼,再开一个孪生尖牙(Twin Fangs)技能,突然从黑影中杀出才是上策。最有利的情况是在敌人被友军的火力所吸引之时,偷悄悄摸到它背后,给予它致命一击。如果盗贼的仇恨拉的太多,也没关系,还是使用隐身(Stealth)技能,消失于无形之后,再适时出击即可。打一枪换一个地方,双持盗贼的生命将大大延长,这也就意味着给予敌人更多的打击。

  Armed with daggers, dual-wield rogues are capable of inflicting enormous amounts of damage, particularly when flanking their foes—daggers are some of the highest damage-per-second (DPS) weapons available, and this rogue carries two of them. While these rogues excel in melee combat, they are not designed to go toe-to-toe with heavily armored enemies. Instead, use the Stealth ability to flank and then strike from the shadows with abilities like Twin Fangs. For best results, attack an enemy from behind while they’re distracted by one of your party’s warriors. If your rogue draws the attention of enemies, use Stealth again to slip back into the shadows before resuming your attack. By utilizing a stick-and-move approach, dual-wield rogues can extend their lifespan while still dishing out more than their fair share of damage.

  弓箭手的职业特点与前者相比是天壤之别,手持弯弓的他们擅长远距离击杀。游戏之初,弓箭手就自带隐身(Stealth)技能,在战场上一旦形势不妙掉头就跑的话,时间还是绰绰有余的。在来不及逃跑时,开个隐身(Stealth)也不错——敌人刚一靠近,立马隐身(Stealth),然后选择一个更安全的位置来输出。接受弓箭系专修之后,可以习得像爆炸箭(Explosive Shot)、满弓(Full Draw)这些技能,一下子弓箭手就成为了秒人的利器。初始自带的狙击(Long Shot)技能尤其有效,15米开外射出的利刃能额外造成600%的伤害。

  Archers fill a very different role than their dual-wield counterparts, utilizing bows to strike their foes from long range. Initially, archers are equipped with the Stealth ability, allowing for threat-free deployment at any point on the battlefield. Stealth also comes in handy when it’s time to flee—activate Stealth as melee enemies approach and relocate to a safer location before firing more arrows. By investing in the Archery discipline, archers can benefit from powerful abilities like Explosive Shot and Full Draw, turning their bow into a formidable instrument of death. The defaultLong Shot ability is particularly useful, dealing up to 600 percent bonus damage when engaging targets at 15 meters or more.

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