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  有关战术的讨论(Tactical Considerations)


  Combining taunts, special moves, blocks, counters, andguard-generating abilities, warriors are far more than just tanks. Theirpresence is essential to your party’s survival. Warriors are responsible fordoing the heavy lifting, absorbing large amounts of damage while drawing theattention of hostile forces with taunts. Many abilities allow a warrior tobuild guard. Think of this as a secondary health bar, represented by smallarmor icons covering the warrior’s health bar—a warrior’s guard must becompletely eliminated before they take damage to their health. By equippingheavy armor and deploying guard-building abilities, warriors can withstandextreme punishment while lashing out at the enemy with their own devastatingarsenal of weapons.


  When it comes to offense, few classes can match theraw damage output of the two-handed warrior. Capable of equipping massivetwo-handed weapons, this warrior swings the weapon in wide arcs, striking allenemies nearby. As a result, the two-handed warrior thrives in the heat ofbattle, surrounded by hostile forces. But close proximity to multiple threatscan wear down this warrior fast. As a result, deploy guard-building abilitieslike War Cry and Charging Bull to reinforce the two-handed warrior’s health. Seekout more defensive-oriented abilities and the heaviest armor you can find tofurther extend your two-handed warrior’s lifespan.

  盾战倚靠一把盾来吸收(甚至完全吸收)伤害,他的战斗方式就相对平衡一些。他们手持的单手武器远不及双手战士手里的家伙事来得厉害,不过抵抗伤害的技能使得他们更适合做个“坦克”。像战吼(War Cry)和挑战(Challenge)这样的嘲讽技在吸引敌人的注意力时非常管用。建议考虑早些点出盾墙(ShieldWall)技能来加强战士的灰盾。和双手战士的想法一样,不断挑选出更好的武器和护甲来武装盾战,方能百战不殆。

  Weapon-and-shield warriors take a more balancedapproach to combat, utilizing a shield to absorb (and even turn away) mostattacks. Their one-handed weapons are significantly weaker than those carriedby their two-handed counterparts, but their ability to withstand greaterpunishment makes them better suited for tanking enemies. Taunt abilities likeWar Cry and Challenge come in handy for luring enemies while increasing the warrior’sguard. Consider selecting the Shield Wall ability early on to enhance yourwarrior’s guard. Likewise, constantly seek out better weapons and armor tomaintain an edge in each engagement.

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