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  视图的按键 / View Keys

  Up Arrow 往上 / Scroll Up

  Down Arrow 往下 / Scroll Down

  Left Arrow 往左 / Scroll Left

  Right Arrow 往右 / Scroll Right

  Right Bracket 视野放大 / Zoom in

  Left Bracket 视野正常 / Zoom out

  Period 跟着部队 / Follow Unit

  F2 调整3种放大视野功能 Toggle through 3 perspective Zoom modes

  F5 调整3种显示或隐藏单位的功能 Toggle through 3 Show Hidden Units


  F9 抓取含UI的萤幕画面 / Take a Screen Shot with UI

  Shift–F9 抓取不含UI的萤幕画面 / Take a Screen Shot without UI

  Ctrl–F9 抓取低解析度的整张地图萤幕画面 / Take a Low Resolution Screen

  Shot of Entire Map

  Alt–F9 抓取高解析度的整张地图萤幕画面 / Take a High Resolution Screen

  Shot of Entire Map

  Space 最后玩家事件的移动定位点 / Move to location of last player event

  (keep pressing to review the queue of recent events)

  选择性的按键 / Selection Keys

  Tab 闲散的市民 / Idle Citizen

  Comma 闲散的军事单位 / Idle Military Unit

  A 闲散的原子轰炸机 / Idle Atomic Bomber

  B 闲散的轰炸机 / Idle Bomber

  D 闲散的战斗轰炸机 / Idle Fighter/Bomber

  F 闲散的战斗机 / Idle Fighter

  Ctrl - 所建立编组 # Create group #

  Shift - 加入所选的编组 # Add selection to group #

  Alt - 选择集中编组 # Select and center group #

  选择编组 (按编组的编号) # Select group # (Press the group’s number)

  选择和移至编组 (和编号两次) ## Select and center group # (Press number


  H 选择和移至城中心再移至下一个城中心 / Select and center Town Center

  Ctrl– A 焦点到箭术场 / Select and center Archery Range

  Ctrl– B 焦点到兵营 / Select and center Barracks

  Ctrl– C 焦点到攻城工场 / Select and center Siege Factory

  Ctrl– D 焦点到码头 / Select and center Dock

  Ctrl– F 焦点到坦克工厂 / Select and center Tank Factory

  Ctrl– G 焦点到谷仓 / Select and center Granary

  Ctrl– I 焦点到飞弹基地 (只有战役) / Select and center Missile Base

  (Campaigns Only)

  Ctrl– N 焦点到殖民地 / Select and center Settlement

  Ctrl– Q 焦点到飞机场 / Select and center Airport

  Ctrl– R 焦点到机器人工厂 / Select and center Cyber Factory

  Ctrl– S 焦点到马场 / Select and center Stable

  Ctrl– V 焦点到军事码头 / Select and center Naval Yard

  Ctrl– X 焦点到垫子实验室 / Select and center Cyber Lab

  Ctrl– Y 焦点到庙宇 / Select and center Temple

  游戏命令 / Game Commands

  Numpad + 增加游戏速度 / Increase Game Speed

  Numpad - 减低游戏速度 / Decrease Game Speed

  Esc 取消目前的输入或动作功能 / Cancels Current Input or Action Mode

  Enter 进入聊天对话框 / Chat

  F1 返回到剧情编辑器(测试功能时) / Return to Scenario Editor (When in

  Test Mode)

  F3 暂停 / Pause

  F4 快速存档 / Quick Save

  Shift – F4 快速载入 / Quick Load

  Ctrl – F4 自动存载 / Auto Save Load

  F10 游戏通能选项 / In-Game Options

  F11 扳开游戏时间(速度和结构范围) / Toggle Display of Game Clock/Speed

  and Frame Rate

  Alt - F 输入警告闪耀功能 / Enter Flare Mode

  Page Up 上一个讯息 / Previous Messages

  Ctrl–Shift-Z All out “Banzai” computer player attack - allied

  computer players will assist you (single player only)

  Ctrl-Alt-Z All out “Banzai” computer player attack - allied computer

  players will not assist you (single player only)

  部队命令 / Unit Commands

  Shift 显示目标队伍(加入一个目标到队伍) / Show Goal Queue / Add Goal to

  Queue (with other key)

  B 部队行为 / Unit Behaviors

  G 镇守(在建筑物内) / Garrison / Populate a Building

  L 探索 / Explore

  M 形成 / Formations

  P 停止 / Stop

  D 卸载运输(要塞) / Unload Transport/Fortress

  Z 巡逻(针对陆上部队) / Patrol (Land Military Units Only)

  Del 自杀圈选第一个单位 / Kill First Selected Unit

  Shift–Del 自杀全部圈选的单位 / Del Kill All Selected Units

  部队的行为 / Unit Behaviors

  Alt–A 备战 / Aggressive

  Alt–D 防守 / Defend (Stand Ground)

  Alt–G 守卫 / Guard (Guards a location)

  Alt–S 巡视 / Scout

  市民 / Citizens

  A 建筑箭术场或自动对空炮 / Build Archery Range or AA Gun

  B 建筑兵营 / Build Barracks

  C 建筑攻城工场 / Build Siege Factory

  D 建筑码头 / Build Dock

  E 建筑房子 / Build House

  F 建筑坦克工厂 / Build Tank Factory

  J 建筑谷仓(农田) / Build Granary/Farms

  N 建筑殖民地 / Build Settlement

  O 建筑要塞 / Build Fortress

  Q 建筑飞机场 / Build Airport

  R 建筑机器人工厂 / Build Cyber Factory

  S 建筑马房 / Build Stable

  T 建筑弓箭塔 / Build Tower

  U 建筑学院 / Build University

  V 建筑海军码头 / Build Naval Yard

  W 建筑墙 / Build Wall

  X 建筑电子实验室 / Build Cyber Lab

  Y 建筑庙宇 / Build Temple

  Z 建筑医院 / Build Hospital


