感染者警戒語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize Playeralsowarntank | Vocalize Warn Tank |
Vocalize Playeralsowarnwitch | Vocalize Warn Witch |
Vocalize Playeralsowarnboomer | Vocalize Warn Boomer |
Vocalize Playeralsowarnsmoker | Vocalize Warn Smoker |
Vocalize WarnSpitterIncoming | Vocalize Warn Spitter's Noxious Glob |
Vocalize PlayerHeardBoomer | Heard Boomer |
Vocalize PlayerHeardHunter | Heard Hunter |
Vocalize PlayerHeardSmoker | Heard Smoker |
Vocalize PlayerHeardTank | Heard Tank |
Vocalize WitchGettingAngry | Vocalize Witch Getting Angry |
Vocalize PlayerGroundPoundedByTank | Vocalize Tank Kill Me! |
發現物品語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize SmartLook | Vocalize Look! (Change By Pick) |
Vocalize PlayerSpotPistol | Tell Your Team You've Found Pistol |
Vocalize PlayerSpotShotgun | Tell Your Team You've Found Shotgun |
Vocalize PlayerSpotOtherWeapon | Tell Your Team You've Found Weapon |
Vocalize PlayerSpotAmmo | Tell Your Team You've Found Ammo |
Vocalize PlayerAlertGiveItem | Vocalize Giving Your Teammate An Item |
使用物品語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize Useadrenaline | Vocalize Using Adrenaline |
Vocalize RevivedByDefibrillator | Revived By Defibrillator |
Vocalize RevivedByDefibrillatorDelayed | Revived By Defibrillator |
Vocalize EatPills | Vocalize Eating Pills |
Vocalize PlayerHealing | Ask Teammate To Wait For You To Heal |
Vocalize HealingOther | Ask Teammate To Let You Heal Them |
Vocalize AlertGiveItemStop | Alert Teammate To Stop & Give Item for him |
狀態語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize PlayerLostCall | Vocalize Looking for Teammates |
Vocalize PlayerGoingToDie | Declaration of Death (Only works per-few minutes) |
Vocalize PlayerDeath | Death Scream |
Vocalize ReviveFriendDown | Revive The Teammate From Ground |
Vocalize ReviveFriendDownFinal | Encourage Teammate After Reviving |
Vocalize CallForRescue | Call For Rescue |
Vocalize PLayerIncapacitated | Let Your Team Know You're Incapped |
Vocalize PLayerLedgeHangStart | Tell You're Team You Have Fallen Off A Ledge |
Vocalize PLayerLedgeHangMiddle | Vocalize You're Getting Worried From Hanging |
Vocalize PlayerLedgeHangEnd | Vocalize You're About To Fall From The Ledge |
Vocalize PlayerLedgeSave | Vocalize Saving A Teammate From A Ledge |
Vocalize LedgeSaveCritical | Vocalize Saving A Teammate From A Critical Ledge Hang |
Vocalize PlayerChoke | Vocalize Grabbed By A Smoker |
Vocalize PlayerVomitInFace | Vocalize Being Vomitted On |
Vocalize SurvivorJockeyed | Vocalize Being Jockeyed By Jockey |
Vocalize PlayerTonguePullStart | Vocalize Being Tongued By Smoker |
Vocalize PlayerGrabbedByTongue | the same as PlayerTonguePullStart |
Vocalize ChargerPound | Vocalize Being Pounded By Charger |
Vocalize ScreamWhilePounced | Vocalize Being Pounded By Hunter |
互動語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize PlayerAskReady | Ask Team If They Are Ready |
Vocalize PlayerFollowMe | Ask The Team To Follow You |
Vocalize PlayerFriendlyFire | Vocalize Reaction To Friendly-Fire |
Vocalize PlayerFriendlyFireInflictor | Vocalize Sorry by Friendly-Fire |
Vocalize PlayerHelp | Ask For Help |
Vocalize PlayerHurrah | Vocalize Hurrah! (Encouragement) |
Vocalize PlayerHurryUp | Vocalize Let's Go |
Vocalize PlayerImWithYou | Say You Agree / Are With Your Team |
Vocalize PlayerIncoming | Notify Your Team A Horde Is Coming |
Vocalize PlayerKillThatLight | Tell teammate To Turn Of Their Flashlight |
Vocalize PlayerLaugh | Vocalize Laughing |
Vocalize PlayerLeadOn | Tell A Teammate To Take The Lead |
Vocalize PlayerLookOut | Tell Your Team/Teammate To Watch Out! |
Vocalize PLayerMoveOn | Tell Your Team We Should Get Moving |
Vocalize PlayerNiceJob | Vocalize Nice Job! |
Vocalize PlayerNiceShot | Vocalize Nice Shot! (Only works per-few minutes) |
Vocalize PlayerYes | Vocalize Yes! |
Vocalize PlayerNo | Vocalize No! |
Vocalize PlayerReloading | Vocalize Reloading |
Vocalize PlayerReviveFriend | Vocalize Reviving A Teammate |
Vocalize PlayerReviveFriendCritical | Vocalize Reviving A Teammate From A Critical Situation |
Vocalize PlayerSorry | Tell your Team/Teammate You're Sorry! |
Vocalize PlayerStayTogether | Tell Your Team To Stick Together |
Vocalize PlayerTaunt | Vocalize Taunting |
Vocalize PlayerThanks | Say Thank You! |
Vocalize PlayerThisWay | Tell Your Team Infected Go This Way |
Vocalize PlayerWaithere | Vocalize Wait Here! |
Vocalize PlayerWarnCareful | Vocalize Be Careful |
Vocalize PlayerWatchOutBehind | Tell Your Team Infected Are Coming From Behind |
Vocalize PlayerYouAreWelcome | Vocalize You're Welcome |
Vocalize YouWelcome | Vocalize More Casual you're Welcome |
Vocalize CommentJockey | Mention Hearing A Jockey (Only works per-few minutes) |
Vocalize PlayerYellRun | Vocalize Empathetic Run |
Vocalize PlayerBackUp | Vocalize Back! Back! Back! |
Vocalize PlayerTransition | Chat (Only works per-few minutes) |
Vocalize PlayerAnswerLostCall | Holy Shit! |
Rochelle 劇情語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize C5M1_intro009 | There's the bridge You sure they're going to be there? |
Coach 劇情語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize C5M1_intro002 | Thanks, Virgil. You stay safe, brother. |
Vocalize C5M1_intro005 | We're almost home free, people. |
Vocalize C5M1_intro008 | Oh yeah. Our goal is right next to the bridge. |
Vocalize C5M1_intro010 | All right people, let's get to that bridge. |
Vocalize C5M1Flyby03 | It means they haven't abandoned New Orleans. |
Vocalize C5M2_signcontagious01 | It sure is. |
Vocalize C5M2Freeway01 | Allright, then, let's follow it |
Vocalize C5M3Bodies01 | [annoyed] How does bein' so right feel, Nick? |
Vocalize C5M3Bodies03 | I don't know Shit! We gonna keep movin'. |
Ellis 劇情語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize C5M1_intro002 | Thanks, brother! |
Vocalize WorldC502Horse3 | Who ain't right in the head now? |
Vocalize C5M3Bodies01 | This is givin' me the creeps more than them zombies. |
Vocalize C5M3Bodies02 | People shootin' people, that Shit ain't right, man. |
Nick 劇情語音 | 註解 |
Vocalize C5M1_intro006 | You mean that blurry line on the horizon? Blablabla… |
Vocalize C5M1_intro007 | Seeing the bridge and getting to it are two different things. |
Vocalize C5M1Flyby02 | I got a bad feeling about that… |
Vocalize C5M2Freeway01 | Let's follow it. |
Vocalize C5M2Horse001 | Nice observation, Ellis. |
Vocalize C5M3Bodies02 | Somebody? Christ! Coach, you know who did this? |
Vocalize C5M3Bodies04 | [contemplative, to self] Not good. |