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The Redeemer


The Redeemer is the Brotherhood of Nod's Epic Unit. The Redeemer uses a tri-laser cannon that is very powerful versus a single unit. Good range and power are great things to have with an Epic Unit, as it means it is easy to tactically support, instead of risking it in the middle of firefight. However, the biggest advantage for the Redeemer isn't its firepower.


Now, just like the MARV, the Redeemer can be garrisoned with infantry. However, the Redeemer is only able to garrison two infantry in it to upgrade itself. Also, it doesn't have as many choices, but does have a very nice choice or two that go well with the unit itself.


Militant Squad/The Awakened - This will create an anti-infantry machine gun turret on the Redeemer's shoulder. Just like the garrison of a Rifleman Squad into a MARV, this is probably the last upgrade you will want to use. It isn't much more powerful than a Militant Squad, and you can find better anti-infantry support in most anything else.


Militant Rocket Squad - This will give you an anti-air and anti-vehicle rocket launcher on the Redeemer's shoulder. This will be one of your more reliable choices, as it gives you a weapon with nice range, fair damage against vehicles, and some anti-air all at a reasonable price.

民兵火箭小队—— 这将会在救赎者的肩膀上加装一架防空/反装甲火箭发射器。这是你可信赖的选择之一,因为它给你提供一个拥有很好射程,不错火力的反装甲防空武器,而价格却适中。

Saboteur - This will allow your Redeemer to auto-repair. Just like having Engineers upgrade the MARV, the repair rate is fairly slow. However, with the Cloaking Field ability, it does give the Redeemer the chance to do some hit-and-run style attacking where this can be a very good upgrade to use.


Black Hand - This will put an anti-infantry and anti-structure flame thrower on your Redeemer. When it comes to bang for your buck, this is the upgrade of choice, regardless of your faction. While vanilla Nod and Marked of Kane can stealth it for some nice hit-and-running on bases, the Black Hand are shortchanged and don't get their Purifying Flame upgrade transferred to the Redeemer.


Tiberium Trooper - This will give you a green tiberium ooze dispenser that is good against mainly infantry. This weapon can also slow down all vehicles when they are covered with the ooze. As the Marked of Kane, you aren't going to have that many options. This might be good for infantry, however, only one is ever needed.


None of these things mentioned previously are what makes the Redeemer such a great unit. The biggest advantage that the Redeemer has, is its Rage Generator ability. This ability has a huge radius, and makes all opposing units in that radius attack each other before they attack any of your units. Using something such as Cloaking Field in addition to this ability, you can see where this seems almost overpowered in some situations. However, there is a small catch that if a unit is being told to attack a certain unit before the Rage Generator is activated, it will not start going berserk before the targeted unit is killed. However, when a unit is under the Rage condition, the owner cannot even select the unit until the Rage condition has passed.


Suggested Combinations


Keep in mind with Redeemer, since it only has two slots, mixing and matching is going to result in a unit that isn't very efficient at anything. Therefore good choices are


Two Sabetours: If you are going to spam the Rage Generator then flee, this is your best bet. 两工程师:如果你准备主要依靠愤怒发生器然后逃离现场,那么这就是你的最佳选择。 Two Black Hands: The Black Hands offer a lot of help when you are in close combat. However their range is rather limited and the Redeemer cannot fire while moving. That said, this option is very situational. 两黑手:在近战时,黑手可以给你提供大量的帮助。不过他们的射程相当有限,而且救赎者在移动中不能开火。 Two Militant Rocket Squads: Your best bet when facing a GDI opponent. The Rocket Squads have enough firepower to keep Orca's at bay, however this combination is well rounded vs all factions, just be sure you are aware of your health. 两民兵火箭小队:面对GDI对手时的最佳组合。火箭小队有足够的火力遏制奥卡,这种组合可以对抗所有的阵营,不过你要时刻注意自己的血量。 One Saboteur/One Rocket Squad: If you aren't planning on returning to base to repair, go for this combo. You are given the ability to repair and fend for yourself so if the rest of your forces fail, you still have a chance. 一工程师/一火箭小队:如果你不准备依靠回基地维修,那么就用这个组合吧。你可以维修和保护自己,因此在其他部队阵亡的时候,你还有机会。。

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