选择:We will settle this. (我们会处理好这个的)
We must be proved. (我们必须得证明)
Under control. (控制中)
Well put them to rest. (我们会灭了他们的)
Nothing to worried. (没什么可担心的)
Well put end of this. (我们会结束这一切的)
Well comply. (遵命)
Pacifier. (平定着)
移动:Understood. (明白)
Comply. (遵命)
We position. (收到位置)
To the next. (到下一处)
As plan. (按计划行事)
Proceed. (前进)
We move. (移动)
Well find them. (会找到他们的)
Now. (今は!)
Theyre right there. (他们就在那)
Suffer their will. (破灭他们的希望)
Eliminate them. (销毁他们)
Lets make ourselt clear. (让我们清净些)
Pacify them. (平定他们)
Again. (再一次)
They had their chance. (他们有机会的)PS:是指逃跑吗
Put them down. (放到他们)
Attack. (攻击)
Erase them. (消除他们)
出场: Future Tank operation now. (未来坦克准备完毕)
选择: Hello.
Weapons on. (武器上膛)
Future Tank X1. (未来坦克X1)
I am ready. (准备完毕)
Greetings. (问候语)
Systems on line. (系统已连接)
Ready for battle. (准备战斗)
移动:Comply. (遵命)
Moving. (移动)
Affmitive. (收到)
Destination set. (目的地已设置)
Receving. (收到)
攻击: Attack. (攻击)
Terminate. (终结)
Receving. (收到)
Destory. (毁灭)
Kill. (杀)
出场:Gunships all checked out. (炮艇舰准备完毕)
选择:Wants get the bad news? (想带来点坏消息吗)
You are already back there.
Get something info for me? (给我带来点消息了吗)
Yeah,right here.
Whats there,commandor? (怎么了,指挥官)
移动:Yeah,anywhere is good. (哪边都可以)
Yeah,were head over.
Wherever you like. (你想去哪都行)
Lets go.
攻击:Sweap the trash. (扫平那些废物)
Take the slider. (尝尝小型质子炮吧)
Were looking here.
出场:Welcome to the Ice Age. (欢迎来到冰河时代)
选择:Its snow time. (现在是冰冻时间)
Whos ready for a cold run? (谁准备好了接受了寒流?)
Lets kick some ice.
Feeling chilly in the air?
... anyone.
... like the winter time.
移动:The iceman comming. (雪人来了)
I am cold and blizzard.
I hear you.
All right.
No problem.
Oh ,yes.
Crystal clean. (晶莹剔透)
The waters getting chilly.
攻击:This will crack him up.(技能)
Allow me to break the ice. (破冰咯)PS:踩碎冻成冰块的敌军