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成为Deep Roads 探险队的成员.
故事相关奖杯,在ACT1时,你需要付50GOLD成为探险队成员,在你有足够的钱后找Bartrand说话,就可以成为DEEP ROADS探险队成员。如果你错过了大部分支线,而且花钱的习惯不好,没有50G,DEEP ROAD做为主线任务,你可以接任务"Friend in LowPlaces." 和矮人Dougan对话,他就会资助你, 但是如果被矮人资助,你是得不到这个奖杯的。

AWorthy Rival
赢得 Arishok's尊敬.


任务: Black Powder Courtesy

在这任务中,ViscountDumar对让你和Seneschal Brann交谈.Seneschal Brann 会委托你任务 "Offered and Lost." 为了完成任务,你要到DOCKS和Arishok谈话,有一个选项,你必须告诉他“Your delegate is missing.”

任务:Offeredand Lost
在杀了Ser Varnel 之后,你会和 ViscountDumar对话,对话中确定选这项:“Do not hide it, he'll know”


任务: Demands of the Qun

当你接受任务 "Demands of the Qun" ,别急着开始做任务。你先去docks 会见日耳曼大婶 Aveline,确定愤青Fenris在队伍中, 他会在QUNARI攻击城市之前表示对你的尊敬。

Kingof the Hill
故事相关,但是可能错过。在ACT2终结前你将面对ARISHOK。有两种方法可以解开奖杯。一是和ISABELA一起(我没试过,所以略过)。二是和FENRIS一起,当你到达Arishok这里, Fenris会建议挑战。答应的话ARISHOC会和你一对一对决,你可以接受或拒绝,如果拒绝你的队友会和整支部队作战,两种选择胜利后都可以解开奖杯。

故事相关,但是可能错过。在ACT3时,任务"The Last Straw." 你必须在Meredith 和 Orsino之间选择其一,选择帮助Meredith可以获得奖杯。



Act 1 –Design: Rune of Frost, Lowtown (Ferelden Imports)
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Frost Warding, Sanctuary(Enemies Among Us)
---Check the crate in the first room of the dungeon.
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Protection, Hightown (Worthy)
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Fire, Dark Foundry (The FirstSacrifice)
---In the Pile of Bones with Ninette’s Ring
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Fire Warding, Wounded Coast
---Far south end, on a pile of bones, near a chest.
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Lightning, Sundermount
---Atop the mountain, past the graveyard, in a pile of bones.
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Lightning Warding, Docks (MageGoods)
Act 1 – Design: Rune of Impact, Wilmod’s Camp (Quest: Enemies Among Us)
---Check the crate near the campfire where you fight Wilmod.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Spirit Warding, Gallows (MageGoods)
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Striking, Dupuis Estate (PrimeSuspect)
---Go up the stairs and turn right, then enter the room on the left.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Spirit, Brekker’s Hideaway (Inside Job)
---Go up the second set of stairs and search the crate.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Nature, Sundermount (MasterIlen’s Shop)
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Defense, Wounded Coast
---Take the southern path, when the path starts north again check a pile ofbones.
Act 2 – Design: Rune of Nature Warding, Smuggler’s Cut (Black Powder Courtesy)
---Go past the Wilderness exit and check a locked chest (30)
Act 3 – Design: Rune of Devastation, Sewer Passage (Onthe Loose)
---Loot the chest at the dungeon exit
Act 3 – Design: Rune of Valiance, Sundermount
---Check the walls south east of the Varterral’shunting ground

Act 1 - Recipe: Elfroot Potion, Lowtown (Lady Elegant)
Act 1 - Recipe: Restoration Potion, Gallows (Formari Herbalist)
Act 2 – Recipe: Life Ward Potion, Gallows (FormariHerbalist)
Act 2 – Recipe: Rock Armor Potion, Low Town (Night)
-----Search the rubble outside Gamlen’s house.
Act 2 – Recipe: Might Offense Potion, Sundermount(Graveyard)
---Exit the caves and turn right, check the pile of bones.
Act 2 – Recipe: Elixir of Heroism, Hightown (Demands ofthe Qun)
---Check a corpse in the square, before the main square of Hightown

Act 1 – Formula: Debilitating Poison, Darktown(Tomwise)
Act 1 – Formula: Tar Bomb, Docks (Shady Merchandise)
Act 1 – Formula: Deathroot Toxin, Docks (ShadyMerchandise)
Act 1 – Formula: Combustion Grenade, Tal-Vashoth Cavern(Black Powder Promise)
---Loot the Tal-Vashoth leader at the end
Act 2 – Formula: Mythal’sFavor, Wounded Coast
---Take the southern route and check the first crate you find
Act 2 – Formula: Arcane Poison
---Loot the Elven Fanatic in the Side Alley, during “BlackPowder Courtesy.”
Act 3 – Formula: Fell Grenade, Wounded Coast
---Take the southern route and at the far end before the exit, check thesouthern nook.




Elfroot: 9
Act 1: Sundermount – Take thesouthern fork before the Dalish Camp
Act 1: Sundermount – Up the mountain at the first fire,check behind a stone slab
Act 1: Wounded Coast – North path, between the firstand second northern forks
Act 1: Bone Pit - At the far south east
Act 1: Wounded Coast – Southern path, head west to thedead end.
Act 1: Sundermount Ambush Site (Quest: The Way it Should be) – Southern path, near the west side.
Act 2: Sundermount – Check the walls south of theVarterral Caves
Act 2: Wounded Coast – South path and on your left asthe path turns west
Act 3: Wounded Coast - South path and on your left as the path turns west

Spindleweed: 6
Act 1: Lowtown – In the small area between the twoexits on the east side
Act 1: Slaver Caverns (Quest: Wayward Son) – At thebeginning, left of the mine carts
Act 1: Wounded Coast – North path and first forkheading north
Act 2: Lowtown – In the south east corner, between theexit and Foundry
Act 2: Gallows Dungeon (Quest: Dissent) - From the entrance head east, checkthe walls
Act 3: Lowtown – Near the stairs of the Foundry

Embrium: 6
Act 1: Dead Man’s Pass (Quest: Blackpowder Promise) – On the other side of the map, where the two paths meet
Act 2: Sundermount – Past the altar, check the rightside of the path. It's hidden in some trees
Act 2: Wounded Coast – Northern path, second north deadend
Act 2: Wounded Coast – Far South Path, it'll be to yourleft as the path bends
Act 2: Holding Caves (Quest: A Bitter Pill) – The pathon your right
Act 3: Wounded Coast – On the far west end, rightoutside the exit

Ambrosia: 1
Act 3: Castillon’s Landing (Quest: No Rest for theWicked) - Chest in the north west room.

Lyrium: 9
Act 1: Bone Pit Mines (Quest: The Bone Pit) - In a nook in the first room
Act 1: Runaway's Cavern (Quest: Act of Mercy) - At the second big room, checkthe west dead end
Act 1: Deep Roads Expedition - Where you find Sandal, check the south westcorner
Act 1: Deep Roads Expedition - Before the first Ogre, check the north west wall
Act 1: Tal-Vashoth Cavern (Quest: Black Powder Promise) - In the second bigroom, narrow east path
Act 2: Bone Pit Mines (Cave - Quest: Forbidden Knowledge) - Next to the fire
Act 2: Bone Pit Mines (Quest: Cave Crawling) - At the entrance, turn right andgo up the stairs.
Act 2: Wounded Coast (Dank Cave - Quest: Forbidden Knowledge) - Enter the bigroom on your right
Act 3: Sundermount Caverns - In the first room, to your left

Silverite: 6
Act 1: Vimmark Mountain Pass (Quest: Shepherding Wolves) - In the dead end,west of the south exit
Act 1: Deep Roads Expedition - Go through the first door, head down the ramp onyour right
Act 1: Tal-Vashoth Cavern (Quest: Black Powder Promise) - In the second bigroom go up the stairs
Act 1: Sundermount Caverns - In the room with the fire
Act 2: Sundermount Caverns - Check the small dead end off of the first room
Act 2: Smuggler's Cut (Quest: Black Powder Courtesy) - Enter the last room, onyour right

Orichalcum: 6
Act 1: Deep Roads Expedition - In the room before the artifact, check thecorner where you fought the Shades
Act 2: Varterral Hunting Ground (Quest: Mirror Image) - At the second spiderambush, check the west side
Act 2: Sundermount Caverns - In the room with the exit, check the north
Act 2: Sundermount Caverns - In the room with the exit, go up the stairs
Act 2: The Killer's Lair (Quest: All That Remains) - In the small passagebetween the first and second big rooms
Act 3: Sundermount Caverns - In the room with the exit, check the north

Dragon's Blood: 1
Act 3: Bone Pit (Quest: Mine Massacre) - Loot the High Dragon's body

Deep Mushroom: 9
Act 1: Slaver Caverns (Quest: Wayward Son) - In the big room, up the stairs inthe back cave
Act 1: Deep Roads Expedition - In the first room with Darkspawn, go down theramp on your right
Act 1: Deep Roads Expedition - In the blue room before Sandal, check the walls
Act 1: Sundermount - Up the mountain, with the grave stones
Act 1: Bone Pit Mines (Quest: Bone Pit Mine) - In the third dragon room, on thesecond tier
Act 2: Smuggler's Cut (Quest: Black Powder Courtesy) - Past the Wildernessexit, down the stairs on the right
Act 2: Gallow's Dungeon (Quest: Dissent) - In the room with the Spider ambush,check the north
Act 2: Varterral Hunting Ground (Quest: Mirror Image) - After the Varterral, upthe stairs to the west
Act 3: Drakestone Mine (Quest: Justice) - East from the entrance and check thenorth side

Deathroot: 6
Act 1: Dark Town – Far south east room
Act 1: Disused Passage - Check the eastern north room, past the fire trap.
-----To enter the Disused Passage, go to the docks at night and enter the sewergrate at the Harbormaster's area.
Act 1: Sanctuary (Quest: Enemies Among Us) - In the first room, east wallbehind a crate
Act 2: Dark Town - South of Anders' clinic
Act 2: Bone Pit - To your right at the entrance of the area
Act 3: Dark Town - In a corner of the south west area

Glitterdust: 6
Act 1: Wounded Coast - South path, first fork south
Act 2: Sundermount - Past the Dalish Camp, up the mountain near walls
Act 2: Bone Pit - By the entrance to the east Bone Pit Mines
Act 2: Varterral Hunting Ground (Quest: Mirror Image) - Right after the secondspider ambush, check near a door
Act 2: Holding Caves (Quest: A Bitter Pill) - At the south end of the east path
Act 3: Sundermount - Near the top of the mountain, a small southern end justbefore the top

Felendaris: 1
Act 3: Sundermount (Pride's End - Quest: A New Path) - Right next to the idol

GreatMinds Think Alike



喜欢: 法师,以及友好的回答(橄榄枝)
憎恨: Templars, 血魔法
合作愉快的队友: Aveline, Bethany, Isabela, Varric, Sebastian

喜欢: 法律、秩序、命令、友好的回答
憎恨: 邪恶、破坏、血魔法、谋杀、犯罪任务


喜欢: Mages, 友好的回答
憎恨: Templars, 血魔法, 讨厌急进愚蠢的行为
可以很好合作的队友: Anders, Aveline, Isabela, Varric, Sebastian

喜欢: 急进的行为, Templars
憎恨: Mages (甚至包括家人), 血魔法
可以很好合作的队友: Aveline, Fenris, Isabela, Varric, Sebastian
---Despite being family he isn't always the nicest person

喜欢: Templars, Qun, 独立而行 (要提升好感,如果他要杀人,让他杀)
憎恨:法师的一切,奴隶的一切, Hawke (如果你是法师职业,悲剧)
很好合作的队友: Aveline, Carver, Isabela, Varric, Sebastian


憎恨: 无聊、急进的行为

很好合作的队友: 任何队友

喜欢: 法师, 血魔法, 恶魔
憎恨: Templars, 征服Mages的行为
合作愉快的队友: Aveline, Isabela, Varric

喜欢: 开玩笑,放松的回答和行为,友善的态度
憎恨: 冒险激进
合作愉快的队友: 任何人

Sebastian (DLC)
喜欢: Chantry的一切
憎恨: 反Chantry的一切
合作愉快的角色: Anders, Aveline, Bethany, Carver, Isabela,Varric

Act 1
Sundermount Passage (Sundermount)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Long Way Home."

Tal-Vashoth Cavern (The Wounded Coast)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Blackpowder Promise."

Bone Pit Mines (The Bone Pit)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Bone Pit."

Slaver Caverns (The Wounded Coast)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Wayward Son."

Act 2
Runaway's Cavern (Wounded Coast Approach)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Act of Mercy."

Varterral Hunting (Sundermount)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Mirror Image."
---This is also one of the two times to earn the trophy That Thing Has Legs.

Abandoned Slaver Den (The Holding Caves)
You will go through this cave during the quest "A Bitter Pill."

Recently Opened Passage (Sundermount)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Forbidden Knowledge."
---This is one of three caves that coincide with the Exocist trophy.

Dank Cave(Wounded Coast)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Forbidden Knowledge."
---This is one of three caves that coincide with the Exocist trophy.

Cave (The Bone Pit)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Forbidden Knowledge."
---This is one of three caves that coincide with the Exocist trophy.

Act 3
Drakestone Mine (The Bone Pit)
You will go through this cave during the quest "Justice."

Pride's End (Sundermount)
You will go through this cave during the quest "A New Path."




找到所有的"TheHistory of the Chantry,"


That Thing Has Legs
Act II: Merrill 作为队友,任务 "Mirror Image." ,在洞穴最末。
Act III: 支线任务 "A Murder of Crows." ,在洞穴最末.

找到并干掉Xebenkeck。在ACT2,要执行多重任务来完成,要毁掉五个tome,找到Fell Tome可以召唤出Xebenkeck
这任务出现在你家里的桌子上, "Enemies Among Us" 任务中要不杀Tarohne,几个TOME位置分别在五个地方:
The Chantry: Take the stairs along the south wall and check the southern room, the book will be on a table.
Viscount's Keep: Check the back of the keep that was locked in Act 1. The book will be on a bench on the north side of the square room.
Bone Pit: On the far east side of the Bone Pit you will find an entrance to a "Cave." Explore the cave to find the book.
Wounded Coast: Take the northern path and at the third southern fork, turn left and check the wall for an entrance to a "Dank Cave." Explore the cave to find the book.
Sundermount: Past the Dalish Camp, take the western path and you'll find a "Recently Opened Passage." Explore the cave to find the book.
几本书必须全部毁掉。全部毁掉之后,去Darktown进入 "Evil Pit.“,在地牢的尽头你会找到Fell Tome, 这个可以提高你的能力,但是要准备好读后与Xebenkeck作战。将其杀死后解开奖杯。



